Daily Devotional

Psalm 133:1

In Biblical Hebrew:
הִנֵּה מַה טוֹב וּמַה נָּעִים שֶׁבֶת אָחִים גַּם יַחַד'

In Romanized Hebrew:
Hinneh mah tov umah na'im shevet achim gam yachad.

Translated into English:
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”
Put into practice:

Oh, how I love the unity among my fellow pastors in Fresno County. We pray together, serve together, and share the bliss and blisters of ministry together. We also laugh together, even about our doctrinal differences. The following is my actual text chain with my Charismatic friend, Pastor Bob Willis, after asking him for prayer because I was in bed with pneumonia:

Bob: Pray for me too. I'm golfing poorly.

Bob continues: Jim, you've got some Pentecostals praying for you! You're gonna make it!

Jim: Sadly you have a Baptist praying for your golf game. You don’t have a chance!
Bob: That's my problem! STOP!

Jim: Maybe I should become a Pentecostal now that I have both your golf score and my healing as my motivation.

Bob: Haha. Love you, my friend!

Jim: Laughter is a good medicine.

Pastor Bob continues to this day to pray for me as his “on fire” brother he lovingly refers to as “a seatbelt Pentecostal.” This baptistic pastor considers it a compliment.

Hinneh mah tov. How good it is!
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