Daily Devotional

Designed by God for Service

As Christians we are God’s unique creation.  God has made us what we are. We are an important part of the “new creation,” the body of Christ.  At the moment of salvation we were placed in this body and God gave us an ability to serve Him.  None of us are left out.  These abilities are called spiritual or grace gifts.  He has individually fashioned us to serve Him in a particular way that is according to our personality, innate abilities and spiritual giftedness. Notice the words of Scripture:

"And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly…” Romans 12:6 (NASB) The New Living Translation translates the verse, "God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well...”

"But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.”  I Corinthians 12:11 (NASB)

The word “will” in this verse speaks of God's determinative will.  It expresses the deliberate exercise of His volition.  As God fashions us He determines the grace gift and the place in the Body of Christ where we will effectively serve Him.  He knows what is best for us and how He has designed us.

As we serve the Lord, our service needs to be centered in the area of our giftedness.  If we don't, we will become frustrated, unfulfilled and not able to be used as God intended.  Our service should be a joy and we should serve Him with gladness. (Psalm 100:3)  This can only come as we serve Him according to the way He has fashioned us.
"But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired.”
I Corinthians 12:18 (NASB)

This word for “desired/willed” in this verse speaks of a desire or wish.  It indicates that not only has God determined our spiritual abilities but He also has placed us in the Body of Christ where He wishes or desires.  It is as if we are a lump of clay that God puts on His potter’s wheel.  His skillful hands mold us uniquely and for His pleasure.  We are a one of a kind creation.  Even though others may have the same giftedness, we will be able to minister in unique ways that others will not.  He knows what He desires us to do, and He has fully equipped us to do that work.

These gifts are not given to us for our own benefit but to benefit others.  Other people have gifts that will benefit us and together we are all growing together, supplying what each other needs.  In this way we build each other up in love.
“From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:16 (NASB)

The reality is that we need each other and when we use our gifts together we benefit each other. When we don’t use our gifts, we deprive others of our ministry to them.  When others do not use their gifts, they deprive us. This is why we need to live according to God’s design. We are strategically needed in the lives of other believers.

Prayer:  Lord, help me to see how you have uniquely made me.  I want to invest my life in serving you that I might be a blessing to others.  May your Spirit help me to follow your designed purpose for my life.  I want to become all that you saved me to be.  Amen
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