Daily Devotional
"Goliath" Battles
Who is not inspired by the account of the shepherd, David slaying the seasoned, giant warrior Goliath! David did not shrink in fear before giant Goliath! David knew that God was bigger and more powerful than a mere giant!
I love the declaration that David shouted to Goliath before he slung the stone.
I Samuel 17:45, 47 “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.” “and that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.”
We all are faced with “Goliath” battles from time to time. Your “Goliath” might be finances, or a broken marriage, or even a physical battle with disease or injury.
Even kids may be in a battle with a “Goliath” such as a bully, or difficulty in learning, or problems at home.
I still remember vividly one of my “Goliath” battles that happened years ago. I was on the way to drop off my friend at her home. My three daughters were in the back seat chatting away as we drove through the sleepy town of Scotts Valley.
I came to a stop before the crosswalk and waited for a pedestrian to walk across. He was dressed all in white. He walked to the front of my van and stopped between the two headlights. Turning to look at me, he raised his gun. I could see the shape of the barrel of the gun now pointed towards me and my daughters behind me. The gunman dressed in white screamed, “You’re all gonna die!” I held my breath and prayed, “Oh God!” My van was trapped on the left by a concrete barrier, a car on the right and a car behind me. Do I run him over!
Just as my mind raced for an escape, the gunman waved the gun towards the car to my right and stepped towards it. Immediately, I stomped on the accelerator and sped to the nearest gas station. Screeching to a halt, I jumped from the van and raced to the phone in the office. (No cell phones!) Yelling to people in the gas station office that there was a gunman on the loose, I called 911. IT WAS BUSY! I called again—BUSY! Turning to look at my van, in horror, I saw the gunman across the street, walking towards the Station. Multiple police were stalking behind him. My kids and friend! In a panic, I raced to my van. Jumped in and sped us away to safety. A couple hours later on the news I learned that the gunman stole the car that had been parked next to mine. The gunman led the police on a chase through Scotts Valley and onto the freeway—until he ran out of gas. A shoot-out with the police resulted in a police dog being shot and the gunman shot to death.
As I emotionally processed this over the next few days with my family, I was so very thankful God was with us through it all. Fortunately, my kids were not fully aware of all that was happening.
Since this event, I have had other battles—not-quite so dramatic, thankfully—but battles non-the-less. We live in a sin-sick world and look forward to the day we are delivered from the presence of sin in Heaven.
Whatever “Goliath” battles you or your kids face, whether delivered on Earth or sent to Heaven…God is always with you! He is bigger and mightier than any “Goliath”! Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
I love the declaration that David shouted to Goliath before he slung the stone.
I Samuel 17:45, 47 “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.” “and that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.”
We all are faced with “Goliath” battles from time to time. Your “Goliath” might be finances, or a broken marriage, or even a physical battle with disease or injury.
Even kids may be in a battle with a “Goliath” such as a bully, or difficulty in learning, or problems at home.
I still remember vividly one of my “Goliath” battles that happened years ago. I was on the way to drop off my friend at her home. My three daughters were in the back seat chatting away as we drove through the sleepy town of Scotts Valley.
I came to a stop before the crosswalk and waited for a pedestrian to walk across. He was dressed all in white. He walked to the front of my van and stopped between the two headlights. Turning to look at me, he raised his gun. I could see the shape of the barrel of the gun now pointed towards me and my daughters behind me. The gunman dressed in white screamed, “You’re all gonna die!” I held my breath and prayed, “Oh God!” My van was trapped on the left by a concrete barrier, a car on the right and a car behind me. Do I run him over!
Just as my mind raced for an escape, the gunman waved the gun towards the car to my right and stepped towards it. Immediately, I stomped on the accelerator and sped to the nearest gas station. Screeching to a halt, I jumped from the van and raced to the phone in the office. (No cell phones!) Yelling to people in the gas station office that there was a gunman on the loose, I called 911. IT WAS BUSY! I called again—BUSY! Turning to look at my van, in horror, I saw the gunman across the street, walking towards the Station. Multiple police were stalking behind him. My kids and friend! In a panic, I raced to my van. Jumped in and sped us away to safety. A couple hours later on the news I learned that the gunman stole the car that had been parked next to mine. The gunman led the police on a chase through Scotts Valley and onto the freeway—until he ran out of gas. A shoot-out with the police resulted in a police dog being shot and the gunman shot to death.
As I emotionally processed this over the next few days with my family, I was so very thankful God was with us through it all. Fortunately, my kids were not fully aware of all that was happening.
Since this event, I have had other battles—not-quite so dramatic, thankfully—but battles non-the-less. We live in a sin-sick world and look forward to the day we are delivered from the presence of sin in Heaven.
Whatever “Goliath” battles you or your kids face, whether delivered on Earth or sent to Heaven…God is always with you! He is bigger and mightier than any “Goliath”! Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
- Share the event of David and Goliath and talk about the size and experience difference between David and Goliath. David was a young shepherd and Goliath an experienced warrior. Ask questions like: Why was David so courageous? Refer to the Scriptures above. Memorize with your kids Matthew 28:20
- Talk to your kids about the battles they may be facing. Encourage them that God is with them. He is mightier and stronger than their “Goliath”!
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