Advent Devotionals: Day 14

Here I am, Send Me

Isaiah 6:8

"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" He said, "Go and tell this people:..." (Please read all of Isaiah 6:1-13).

God gave Isaiah a vision of the spectacular glory, and immediately Isaiah fell down and exclaimed that he was undone. This was the response of a sinful man before our holy God. We cannot endure His presence in our fallen state and that is why we need Jesus Christ to be our mediator and covering for our sin. Without such coverings in God’s presence we would simply be undone and destroyed.

Isaiah then heard the voice of the Lord asking, "Who will go for us?" Isaiah’s immediate response is, "Here am I! Send me!" When confronted with the majesty and glory of God, Isaiah couldn't help but want to go out for God. So our response should be as well. We have the good news of God's salvation through Jesus Christ and the world needs to hear about it. Like Isaiah, our response should be "Here am I, send me!"

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your gift of redemption through Your Son Jesus Christ. Give me the courage and the strength to go out for You and proclaim Your truth to those around me. Help me to show the same love and compassion to others that You have shown to me. Amen.