Daily Devotional
Held Secure in God's Hands
As we begin this New Year, my thoughts turn toward God’s care in my life. There are many times that I feel all alone. I may even feel that God is distant when I am dealing with life’s difficulties. But my feelings are often not reality. I should be curious about why I feel the way I do and to look inwardly to see what is going on in my life. I need to be sure that my thoughts and actions are guided by truth. The truth is that every day of my life I know that God is walking with me, and He has promised to provide strength to face whatever comes my way.
Like many of you the past 365 days have been filled with a lot of events, some bringing joy and others bringing sadness. We do not know what this New Year will hold but we know there will be opportunities to trust God and to grow in our relationship with Him. I am so glad that God holds each of our lives in His hands. I would not want to face life without knowing I am in God’s care.
In Isaiah 40, the prophet writes in verse 12 that God can “hold/measure the waters in the hollow of His hand.” If God’s hands are that great, then He has the power to hold our lives in His hands. Nothing I will face is too difficult for our Great God. John writes in John 10:28-29, that we are held in the hands of Jesus and the Father. Nothing in life can snatch us out of their hands. The Apostle Paul also writes in Romans 8:38 that “no created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God.” With these truths in mind, we can face 2023 with the confidence and the assurance that God’s purposes and plans for our lives will be accomplished. We can rest in His perfect care.
God wants you to receive this blessing from Scripture as you begin the New Year, “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24-25
Prayer: Lord, as I go through this New Year, help me to understand in greater depth your care for me. I know you love me and will walk with me through everything that transpires this year. Thank you for securely holding me in Your hands. Amen
Like many of you the past 365 days have been filled with a lot of events, some bringing joy and others bringing sadness. We do not know what this New Year will hold but we know there will be opportunities to trust God and to grow in our relationship with Him. I am so glad that God holds each of our lives in His hands. I would not want to face life without knowing I am in God’s care.
In Isaiah 40, the prophet writes in verse 12 that God can “hold/measure the waters in the hollow of His hand.” If God’s hands are that great, then He has the power to hold our lives in His hands. Nothing I will face is too difficult for our Great God. John writes in John 10:28-29, that we are held in the hands of Jesus and the Father. Nothing in life can snatch us out of their hands. The Apostle Paul also writes in Romans 8:38 that “no created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God.” With these truths in mind, we can face 2023 with the confidence and the assurance that God’s purposes and plans for our lives will be accomplished. We can rest in His perfect care.
God wants you to receive this blessing from Scripture as you begin the New Year, “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24-25
Prayer: Lord, as I go through this New Year, help me to understand in greater depth your care for me. I know you love me and will walk with me through everything that transpires this year. Thank you for securely holding me in Your hands. Amen
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