Daily Devotional

Romans 12:2 - "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." (NKJV)
When I read this passage I am reminded how much this world is trying to force its belief system, its reality down our throats at almost every turn. We are told that we must accept everyone else based on how they feel while we as Christians are labeled as intolerant, bigots, or racists. But we as Christians should not be surprised by this, we are aliens and strangers in this world. We are called to be set apart and shine the light of the gospel. How can we do that if we look like the world?
We are to stand out, to be different, and our hope comes from knowing that God is the one who holds all things together, even as our world seems to descend into further sin. Distortion of reality does not mean that God’s will has been usurped, in fact quite the opposite. No matter how far into darkness this world seems to fall, God is still on His throne, and we, as Christians should act like it. It should confound the world that we have this confidence, this hope. It should make them ask why, and we should be ready to share the Gospel with them when they do.
We cannot be true Christians if we look like everyone else, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We should be in the Word and in fellowship with other believers so as to keep that heavenly perspective. It is easy to trust the will of God in the good times, but the true test of faith is how well we trust His will in the hard times. You may be struggling today as you grapple with financial struggles, the uncertainty of the political landscape, mental health, and your own personal sins. But we cannot be distracted or weighed down by these things, we must keep our heads up, looking to heaven and to Christ Who is our hope. We must not conform to how the world would react to such things, but in faith, boldly proclaiming our hope in Christ Jesus.
We are to stand out, to be different, and our hope comes from knowing that God is the one who holds all things together, even as our world seems to descend into further sin. Distortion of reality does not mean that God’s will has been usurped, in fact quite the opposite. No matter how far into darkness this world seems to fall, God is still on His throne, and we, as Christians should act like it. It should confound the world that we have this confidence, this hope. It should make them ask why, and we should be ready to share the Gospel with them when they do.
We cannot be true Christians if we look like everyone else, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We should be in the Word and in fellowship with other believers so as to keep that heavenly perspective. It is easy to trust the will of God in the good times, but the true test of faith is how well we trust His will in the hard times. You may be struggling today as you grapple with financial struggles, the uncertainty of the political landscape, mental health, and your own personal sins. But we cannot be distracted or weighed down by these things, we must keep our heads up, looking to heaven and to Christ Who is our hope. We must not conform to how the world would react to such things, but in faith, boldly proclaiming our hope in Christ Jesus.
New King James Version (NKJV)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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