Daily Devotional

1 Thessalonians 5:18 - "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (ESV)
I sometimes look at the commands and scripture and wonder, “How am I supposed to do that?” This is one of those examples. Give thanks in ALL circumstances?! How am I supposed to do that?! Let’s face it, it’s far easier to be thankful in SOME circumstances. I’m thankful when things go my way, when everything works out as I planned, and when I’m surprised by good and unexpected news. I don’t really feel thankful when things are hard when all my plans seem to be failing, and when I’m surprised by unexpected bad news. How can I be thankful for those things?
Here's the thing I finally noticed that probably seems obvious to almost everyone else; it doesn’t say to be thankful FOR all circumstances, but IN all circumstances. I don’t have to be thankful for the difficult circumstances, but I should still be thankful during them. Why? I really do believe that God calls us to do this because it is the best way for us to live.
I was reading recently about a study that was done where people were divided into two groups. One group was to keep a daily “irritation journal” where they would daily list out the things that annoyed or bothered them. The other group was asked to keep a daily “thanksgiving journal” where they would daily list things they were grateful for. The study revealed that over time those who were keeping irritation journals found an increasing number of things to be irritated over and those who kept a thanksgiving journal found an increasing number of things to be grateful for. What’s more, those who kept the thanksgiving journal, “had greater overall energy and enthusiasm, slept better, and were less depressed.”
I notice in my own life how easy it is for me to focus on the wrong thing. No matter what I am facing, no matter what comes my way, I can be thankful IN any circumstance because I always have something to be thankful for. Yes, there are things to be thankful for like sunshine, clean water, a comfy bed, but I’m talking about the bigger things; the things that are always true. No matter what, God is always good, He is always loving, and He is always present. That’s true not just in the good times, but in all times.
Here's the thing I finally noticed that probably seems obvious to almost everyone else; it doesn’t say to be thankful FOR all circumstances, but IN all circumstances. I don’t have to be thankful for the difficult circumstances, but I should still be thankful during them. Why? I really do believe that God calls us to do this because it is the best way for us to live.
I was reading recently about a study that was done where people were divided into two groups. One group was to keep a daily “irritation journal” where they would daily list out the things that annoyed or bothered them. The other group was asked to keep a daily “thanksgiving journal” where they would daily list things they were grateful for. The study revealed that over time those who were keeping irritation journals found an increasing number of things to be irritated over and those who kept a thanksgiving journal found an increasing number of things to be grateful for. What’s more, those who kept the thanksgiving journal, “had greater overall energy and enthusiasm, slept better, and were less depressed.”
I notice in my own life how easy it is for me to focus on the wrong thing. No matter what I am facing, no matter what comes my way, I can be thankful IN any circumstance because I always have something to be thankful for. Yes, there are things to be thankful for like sunshine, clean water, a comfy bed, but I’m talking about the bigger things; the things that are always true. No matter what, God is always good, He is always loving, and He is always present. That’s true not just in the good times, but in all times.
"English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers."
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