Daily Devotional

Quit Complaining

My wife, Jenn, is a 2nd grade teacher at Red Bank Elementary School in Clovis Unified. During her summer break she has been taking a few continuing ed classes. She took a class the other day called “The Positivity Project”. It’s all about teaching positive character traits in the classroom.

Jenn struck up a conversation with a lady at her table. This lady told Jenn she grew up in Southern California, and she hates Clovis. She said, “There’s nothing to do and the people are boring.” Jenn said, “Well then why are you here?” She said, “My husband’s family lives here, and by the way, I don’t like them either.” And Jenn’s thinking, “This lady really needs this class.”

James 5:9 says, “Do not complain, brethren, against one another, so that you yourselves may not be judged; behold the Judge is standing right at the door.”

This verse is designed to make believers uncomfortable. God is holy and He wants to help us grow in holiness. And complaining and holiness do not mix. To grow in holiness, you have to quit complaining.

Now, I have to let you know there have been times when I’ve complained against someone and it felt pretty good. My flesh took over, and I found joy throwing someone under the bus. There’s something about playing the victim that makes me feel good. When I point out the faults of others, I feel better about myself. When I complain about someone, and it’s justified, it makes me feel happy.

But this is sin.

There is no room in my life for complaining if I am truly desiring holiness. Complaining has to be removed from my life completely. And the Judge is watching my every move. Oh yes, He is a gracious Judge, but nonetheless, we will have to give an account for every complaint against another person if we do not confess and surrender to Him.

Are you a complainer? Quit it. It’s easy to think you’re better than the person you’re complaining about. But you’re not. If you had to stand before Jesus and explain to Him why you are better than this brother or sister who has offended you, what would you say? If someone brought you before the Holy Judge with the sin of complaining, what would be your defense?

What can you do to stop complaining? Pray. Ask God to help you think about the words you’re planning to say before you actually say them. And then stop yourself. Ask God to help you see people positively and believe the best in people. He will help you. You could even ask a good friend to help you. Let them know you’re trying to quit complaining about people. And give them permission to call you out on it if they hear you complaining. Quit complaining.
New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.