Daily Devotional


Psalm 73:16–17 - “Whom have I in heaven but You? And besides You, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (NASB95)

I have been known to wake up with “a tude”—attitude! In Psalm 73, Asaph the Psalmist is complaining about unbelievers and how they seem to have everything going for them, while his life seems so full of difficulties. He admitted that his complaining had caused his feet to come “close to stumbling” (v. 2) and his heart to become “embittered and...pierced within....” (v. 21). But then comes a complete turnaround in his heart:  
“When I pondered to understand this (i.e., my bad attitude) it was troublesome in my sight UNTIL  I came into the sanctuary of God.” (Psalm 73:16–17)
In essence, the Psalmist is saying that no change of heart was going to happen UNTIL he made a choice to enter into the presence of God in prayer and worship. From that point, his perspective changed dramatically as he set his mind on heavenly things (cf. Colossians 3:1-5). In Psalm 73 he presents to us his very personal testimony of his “private sanctuary moments” with God.

  • “Whom have I in heaven but You?” (v.25)
  • “I desire nothing in earth.” (v.25)
  • “…God is the strength of my heart” (v.26)  
  • “I have made the LORD GOD my refuge..” (v.28)
How’s our attitude today? It is troublesome to us and others? Do we really want a change of heart? It can happen immediately, but not UNTIL we enter the sanctuary of God in honest prayer and sincere worship. I expect we will come out of that time declaring with Asaph, “...the nearness of God is MY good...” (v.28).  
Try it and see for yourself. I have. It works!
New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.
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