Daily Devotional

Rejection Is a Scary Thing

Mark 6:11 - “And if any place will not receive you and they will not listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.” (ESV)

It probably comes as no surprise to hear that three out of four people report feeling stressed or anxious about speaking in public. If I’m being honest, to my wife’s disbelief, to this day I experience an elevated heart rate and butterflies in my stomach just moments before standing in the pulpit to preach. I even imagine that there’s a good chance that many of you read “public speaking” and thought to yourself, “Uh…no chance!” There are several different reasons for these feelings but one that I often see with the students I’m around, is the fear of rejection. Rejection if I fail, or stutter, or just look silly. And the fear of not being accepted can be a powerful motivator. Rejection hurts and the very thought of being rejected can be tremendously stressful.
The story that we read about in Mark 6 is one in which the disciples experience rejection at a pretty intense level. Jesus sends His disciples out on their trial mission. They’re called to tell people about who Jesus is and invite others to follow Him in what He’s doing. And even as they’re going out, Jesus warns them that some people aren’t going to be excited to hear their message. In fact, He warns them that there are some places that they would go, that they would literally be kicked out of. This isn’t just looking silly in front of a crowd, this is a blatant, “we don’t like you or your kind” to their faces type of rejection. Yet, even as they were rejected by men, they were able to take comfort in being welcomed back by Jesus.
I’m encouraged as I read this story because not only is Jesus NOT surprised by the rejection of men, but the story also highlights that our confidence should be found in His unconditional love. And that love should be more than enough to overcome the inevitable rejection that life may throw our way, as we live in obedience to God’s word. When our value and belonging are found in the one whose opinion of us matters most, it’s easier to remember that when people reject us, our hope may always be found in Jesus.
"English Standard Version (ESV)
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers."