Daily Devotional

Living on the Turn

There are a lot of nice places to live in Fresno. The area Lynn and I came to love the most, early on in our lives together, is the Old Fig Garden community. It is a county island, caught in the middle of the city (there are several of these). As such, with different regulations than the city, Old Fig has a very different feel to it.

Part of it is no curbs or sidewalks. Another facet is the varied architectural styles, with every home unique, most high end and generous in square feet. While it is surely a combination of all, the essence of it, in my view, is large lots with gorgeous, landscaped yards. Some are meticulously cared for. Others are more dense and overgrown. But all with the beauty and varied examples of God’s life in trees, bushes, flowers, hedges and landscaping that delights the eye and invigorates the heart.

When Van Ness Ave passes Rialto Ave, going north, it makes a turn and continues until it meets at Palm and Shaw Avenues. As I walk down there and peer around that turn, I can only see for a short distance. But the view of the road, with houses and landscaping, invites me to continue to travel along and experience more of the road ahead!

While Lynn and I do not want to live in Old Fig, nor could we afford it, that turn on Van Ness is a picture to me like the scene in Ezekiel 47, with water coming from under the temple.

It will come about that
every living creature which swarms
in every place where the river goes,
will live.
And there will be very many fish,
for these waters go there
and the others become fresh;
so everything will live
where the river goes.   

Ezekiel 47:9, NASB

Rivers meander with the terrain. Even in dry areas growth is thick along the banks, and filled with living creatures. The water is abundant with fish, because everything will live where the river goes! Such is our walk with God. We always live on the turn. As we flow along in His river way, every new view declares the fullness of God’s life. There will be adventure and challenges there. Perhaps some struggles, but The Living One is with us. Victories are ours!

In Fresno, Van Ness Ave is unusual. While it ends at Palm and Shaw, it starts up again more than a mile west, going down Shaw Ave. Locally it is called Van Ness extension. This area of north Van Ness picks up the style of Old Fig Garden, with large houses and yards, yet shapes it in its own way. Then, if you keep traveling north on Van Ness it will take you to The Bluffs, and from there to the San Joaquin River.

At the point Van Ness ends, there comes an expansive view of the river valley below. Not unlike a paradise. In a similar manner, while living on the turn with the Lord, we are traveling
to our ultimate destination in heaven, along God’s eternal river of life.

Then he showed me a river of the water of life,
clear as crystal,
coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb,
 in the middle of its street.
On either side of the river
was the tree of life,
bearing twelve kinds of fruit,
yielding its fruit every month;
and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Revelation 22:1, NASB

The crystal waters flow from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Everywhere that water goes, there is life. No curse. No night. God’s throne will be there and that of the Lamb. The Lord God’s presence will continually illumine all. And all the people of God will reign with Him forever and ever!

These words of God are faithful and true, they must soon take place. (Revelation 22:6). Be comforted with these truths, brethren. And move with God around the next turn in your life! Everything will live where His river goes, including you going with Him around the next turn!
Read: Ezekiel 47:1–12, Revelation 22
Sing: Shall We Gather at the River? By Robert Lowry.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation