Daily Devotional

Expressing Our Love for God…

Psalm 18:1–3 - "I will love You, O LORD, my strength. The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies." (NKJV)

As I go through life, I find that it is always important to express to the Lord my thankfulness and love for Him.  It is easy to take for granted the things God is doing.  Busyness often draws my attention away from the true source of the goodness and blessings that I experience.  I remember as a parent reminding my girls to say thank you when someone gave them something or did something kind for them.  In a similar way, our heavenly Father likes to hear our expressions of gratitude and love for what He is doing in our lives.  

The writers of Scripture remind us to be thankful “in everything” and “for everything.”  Our Lord enjoys hearing our words of praise, thankfulness, and love, even when we don’t understand all that is happening.  When we express thankfulness and love to the Lord, we in a sense are submitting to God’s control. We may not understand but with words of thankfulness and love, we trust the Lord to do what is best.  We submit to His purposes for our life.    

In the Psalms, David often expressed the feelings of his heart.  He saw God providing for him and protecting Him.  Overwhelmed by God’s love and direction in his life, David makes the statement in Psalm 18, “I will love You…”  This is the only time in the Old Testament that this Hebrew word for “love” is used to express man’s love for the Lord.  David is responding to God’s mercy and grace shown to him in his life.  The opening verses of this Psalm declare the reason for David’s love for his Lord.  May these statements also reflect our love for our Savior.

I love you Lord because You are my rock…my source of stability and security.  Approximately 20 times in the Psalms the Lord is pictured as a “rock,” a stable place for us in times when our world is shaken.  He is our protector and the One who will shield us from all danger.

I love you Lord because You are my fortress…my high place of refuge, my place where I can flee for protection.   This refuge is far better than any man-made fortress.  There is no safer place to be.  God’s loving arms are a place I can run to for protection and security.  He invites me to come and to find safety in Him.

I love you Lord because You are my shield and stronghold…my protection, my deliverer from my enemies and my strength.  David experienced God’s strength in his life over and over again as He protected him from his enemies.  Today in life God is ever present with us.  He is there taking us through life’s struggles.  His strength is sufficient to meet any need or problem we may face.  He shields us from the attacks of the enemy and through His power He saves us.  
The thoughts of Psalm 18 make me think of the Praise Chorus, “I Love You, Lord.”  

"I love You, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh my soul rejoice
Take joy, my King
In what You hear
May it be a sweet, sweet sound
In your ear."

How long has it been since you told the Lord that you love Him?  If it has been a while, take time today to express your love for Him.  He wants to hear your words of praise and love!  

Heavenly Father, we want to express our love for You.  You are our refuge and place of safety.  Thank you for the strength You give us each day to face life and all that it brings.  May we always turn to You and rest securely in Your arms.  Amen
New King James Version (NKJV)
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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