Nursery–6th Grade
Is this your first visit?
When you arrive, look for our Kids’ Check-In Center which is located in the Gym alcove (Room A101/102)—on the south side of the front building.
You will be greeted by smiling faces that will assist with getting your child checked in. We will gather some basic information about your child and family, enter it into the check-in database, and print name-tags and security tags for your family.
The safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. To ensure that safety, we ask that every child be checked in at the Check-In Center.
Parents will receive two tags per child: your child will wear a name-tag, and parents will keep the corresponding security tag for pick-up. When you're ready to pick-up your child, present your matching security tag to your child’s leader.
If we need to reach you during the service, we'll send a text message to your cell phone.
Children's Ministry Events
We offer many opportunities for your children to get plugged into Campus and learn about Jesus.
Basketball & Cheer
Maple Campus
November 22, 2024–March 30, 2025
Last day to register is December 22, 2024
Vacation Bible School
Maple/Palm Campus
July 21–25, 2025
Interested in Volunteering in Children's Ministry?
All volunteers will be asked to submit to a Background Check if they are involved in ministry to minors. Signing up does not guarantee participation. All applicants will be prayerfully evaluated.
Events Calendar
Maple Campus
Connect at Campus
JH Events - Maple
HS Events - Maple
Children's Events - Maple
Men's Events
Women's Events
Senior’s Ministry
College Events
JH Events - Palm
Easter Events
Christmas at Campus
Boiler Room Prayer
Care Events
Worship Services
Sports Ministry
Couple’s Ministry
Young Adult’s Ministry
Grandparenting Ministry
Children's Events - Palm
Women's Bible Studies
Palm Campus
Connect at Campus
JH Events - Maple
HS Events - Maple
Children's Events - Maple
Men's Events
Women's Events
Senior’s Ministry
College Events
JH Events - Palm
Easter Events
Christmas at Campus
Boiler Room Prayer
Care Events
Worship Services
Sports Ministry
Couple’s Ministry
Young Adult’s Ministry
Grandparenting Ministry
Children's Events - Palm
Women's Bible Studies