Calibrate: Week 1
Oct 14, 2020 • Pastor Michael Hammond • Calibrate
In this series we'll look at how we need to calibrate our lives around God's standards.
Discussion Questions:
1.) Tell about a time when you knew you shouldn't do something but did it anyway.
2.) What about a time when you knew you should do something, but didn't do it?
3.) When was the last time you had to calibrate something?
4.) What are some ways we can calibrate our lives on God's standard? How often do you do those things?
5.) Read Acts 17:10-13.
5a.) Why were the Berean's called more noble?
5b.) How did they calibrate their beliefs?
6.) Read 1 Samuel 15:18-21.
6a.) Why do you think Saul didn't fully follow God's commands? Was he justified?
6b.) Why do we often try to to justify our sin and make it seem not so bad?