Daily Devotional
October 4th, 2022
I awakened softly, curled up under the warmth of the covers.  I found myself wrapped gently with the Lord’s love, with His presence.  I lingered, relishing the moment, seeking to grasp His presence.  ...  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 3rd, 2022
I was at the Los Angeles airport talking to the agent at the check-in counter. A tall gentleman behind me interrupted, “Are you Dr. Cecy?” I turned and responded, “Well, yes, I am.” He continued, “I r...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
September 30th, 2022
As I am reading through the book of Leviticus I asked the Lord again, "Why is there a whole book in His Word that is dedicated to explaining all the different types of offerings for sin and how those ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
September 29th, 2022
I am finding that I need the peace of God more and more as I live each day.  My mind needs to learn to rest in the person and character of our Lord.  Difficult and stressful times are not anything new...  Read More
by Pastor Gene Beck
Daily Devotional
September 28th, 2022
Some people think the will of God is mysterious and enigmatic – hard to understand.  But this passage makes it crystal clear. While there are puzzling questions in life that require patience and wisdo...  Read More
by Pastor Kenton Rahn
Daily Devotional
September 27th, 2022
When was the last time you got away from the city at night, somewhere remote, and looked up at the night sky? If it has been a while, it's time to do it again, to be taken in by the vastness of space ...  Read More
by Michael Bergman