Plugging In: Week 1

Sep 9, 2020    Pastor Michael Hammond

Discussion Questions:
1.) If you could only have one device plugged in for a week, what would it be? Why?
2.) If you knew a natural disaster was coming, how would you prepare?
2a.) How can we prepare for unexpected hardships in our lives?
3.) What did Pastor Michael mean when he said "our faith is personal but not private"? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
4.) Read Galatians 2:11-14. Summarize this section in your own words.
4a.) In what ways did Peter need Paul?
4b.) How would you respond if someone called you out on your sin?
5.) Read Matthew 7:1-5. Summarize this section in your own words.
5a.) What does this section tell us about keeping others accountable?
6.) How does knowing that you need others affect how you live?
7.) How does knowing that others need you affect how you live?