Plugging In: Week 3
Part 3 of the series "Plugging In."
In this series, we'll look at ways that we can plug into the body of Christ.
This week's topic is how we can plug in through service.
Discussion Questions:
1.) What is your favorite story in the Bible? Why is it your favorite?
2.) What's the biggest way you've ever served someone?
3.) What's the biggest way someone's ever served you?
4.) Have you ever thought about the fact that you are designed with a purpose? What does that mean for your life?
5.) Pastor Michael gave 4 questions to help find out how you can be used by God. Answer each of these.
1.) What do you like to do?
2.) What would you do for free?
3.) What do people see in you?
4.) What frustrates you?
6.) Read Colossians 3:12-17. Which do you find hardest on this list? Which do you find easiest?
7.) Read 1 Corinthians 919-23. What are some ways we can become all things to all people today?