Plugging In: Week 2

Sep 16, 2020    Pastor Michael Hammond

Part 2 of the series "Plugging In"

In this series, we'll look at ways that we can plug into the body of Christ.

This week we're exploring the "why" behind gathering together in a larger group setting.

Discussion Questions:
1.) When have you felt like you were part of a bigger group?
2.) Why do we attend things like concerts, sporting events, and movies? Would those things be different if we were alone?
3.) Have you ever felt isolated or alone? What did you do?
4.) Pastor Michael gave 3 reasons we gather as a large group. Can you think of any other reasons people gather together?
5.) What are some things that could unite a group of people? What could divide a group of people?
6.) Why is our unity being found in Jesus so important?
7.) Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. How would you summarize verse 10 in your own words?
8.) Why is it so important that Christians not be divided?